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Requesting a Judge

You can pick your own judge. However, we must get the permission of that judge’s licensing organization to use him or her. The American Working Dog Federation, of which ARSA is a member, is the official liaison in the US for foreign licensing organizations.


If you have identified a specific judge for your trial, write to the Secretary of ARSA at  Include


  • trial dates and location

  • the name of your club and club contact information

  • the judge’s name

  • the judge’s email

  • the country in which he has his license

  • the name of his licensing organization

  • an email contact at that licensing organization


ARSA will make the request to AWDF for you.  Allow at least 6 months lead time.


If you do not have a specific judge in mind, but need help finding one, email


Note that ARSA operates under the requirements of FCI. FCI requires that IPO-R trial judges be recognized by FCI or IRO. Currently there are no judges in the US who are recognized by FCI or IRO to judge IPO-R trials.


USCA judges and trials
USCA puts on IPO-R trials. Sometimes they use FCI or IRO judges, and in those cases those trial results count toward progressing through the title levels in ARSA and eventually being qualified to go to FCI or IRO World Championships.  Frequently, however, USCA uses its own judges, and in those cases the trial results do not count toward progressing through the levels in ARSA and eventually being qualified to go to the FCI or IRO World Championships. If you get a title under a USCA judge and then decide you want to progress through the title levels in ARSA, you will have to repeat that title.

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