Membership in ARSA is open to all individuals. Annual dues are $75.00 USD. Our membership year runs from January 1 to December 31, with renewals beginning in late fall.
Half-year dues for individuals joining after July 1 are $50. Those joining after November 1 may pay the full $75 dues and have their membership extended through the end of the following calendar year.
ARSA clubs may be formed only in the United States, but we take individual memberships from any country. You need 5 ARSA members to form a club. For further information on club formation, write to our National Clubs Coordinator at
Benefits of membership include access to the club’s member-only email list on Google Groups, networking with and learning from other members interested and active in RH training, as well as free access to select ARSA-sponsored webinars and training sessions, and discounts on other activities.
If you have questions about individual membership, write to ARSA’s treasurer at Dues are payable by PayPal. Payment instructions and a clickable link may be found at the end of the Membership Application. Contact the treasurer if you wish to pay by other means.
To join ARSA, please complete our Membership Application.